Friday, January 8, 2021

Whooper Swans near my house

 Whooper Swans are from Iceland. Some come to this country in the winter because it's warmer here. They are not common in Pembrokeshire, so we are lucky to have 9 staying near Croes-goch. They spend their time in a ploughed field eating! They are huge. You can tell the difference between a Welsh Swan and a Whooper Swan - the Welsh Mute Swans have an orange beak, the Whooper Swans have a yellow beak.

Up and running again!

 I have started my Blog again because we are in lockdown once more 😢.

It is a bit different this time because it is winter. There is always some thing to see though. We can also look for the first signs of Spring.  

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Bloody Nosed Beetle - Update!

We had almost given up hope of seeing any beetles pupate when mum found one on the landing! It had escaped from the tank. Since then four more have emerged. The beetles come out of their pupa at night. So far 5 out of 9 have come out. We have put them all back on the bank where they came from.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Violet Ground beetle

When dad was digging in the garden, a large beetle appeared. It was a lovely colour - black but with purple edges. We looked it up in a book and found it was a Violet ground beetle - not common in Pembrokeshire.


When we were walking along the road near Pwllderi, we sadly found a dead Dragonfly. It was a Golden Ringed Dragonfly. We think it had been hit by a car, which is a bit unlucky, because hardly any cars ever go down that road. 😩

Pink moth

This is me with another Elephant hawk moth. I love them!

Privet Hawk moth

Last week we caught a huge Privet hawk moth. This is our biggest moth - it was a bit scary!